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100% pure, organic Chamomile.


Simple and delicious. Made with whole, organic Chamomile flowers, this sweet and soothing tea gently aids digestion, nausea, and most commonly known to help promote rest and sleep.


Tip: Gentle enough for your little ones, can be sipped as a tea or allow to steep for a little longer, cool and then add the infusion to your child’s bath for a relaxing pre bedtime soak.


  • To Infuse:  

    Can be served hot or cool, and with added fresh herbs.


    Hot: Use 1-2 tsp per cup and  Infuse for 5 -7 mins

    Refill and reinfuse up to 3 times.


    A slightly longer brew will allow the herbs to release their full potential into your infusion.


    Iced: 2tsp per cup and Infuse until cool and then separate the herbs. Your infusion can be kept refridgerated for 2-3 days. 

    Serve 1 part tea : 2 parts still/sparkling water and add ice if you wish.


    Additional Herbs and/ or fruit: Add fresh Lemon balm, mint or Lavender.

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